The moment I joined Jesus Encounter was at the very crucial time of my spirituality. I kept thinking that I needed a recharge and didn’t know how to get it. And miraculously Jesus made me come across this platform. And on 29th of Jan, (Sunday) I joined the meeting and it was a moment where I felt a special anointing of Christ. I kept saying the prayer Daniel Achan asked us to say. After the meeting yesterday I was a little sad that I didn’t get any experience but still I kept saying the prayer and I even asked Jesus about it. But the truth is that I forgot what happened during that week. During the week one day I was reading my Bible and there’s this page (Pg no: 587, Psalms: 25) which was torn a bit and I was aware of it. But everytime I read Psalms:23 I come across this page but I kept procrastinating the job of sticking the page. But that day as I was reading Psalms: 23 the rosary I had in my hand got stuck between the torn part and it was a bit difficult to remove the cross of the rosary from the page. And this made the paper tear a little more. The very moment this happened I felt like I was tearing a piece of flesh which was already hurt deep. I literally felt it. I don’t know whether everyone can understand it but it was like as if I took a knife and was cutting a piece of flesh. It just left me frozen with a teary eyes. I ran for the cello tape and with such a heavy heart I stuck it together and asked pardon to the Lord. It was later I realised that this happened to make me realise that the word was made flesh. The word of God is the living flesh of Jesus Christ. I have felt the physical presence of Jesus a few time before. But this experience where the Bible gave me the physical presence of Jesus is for the first time ever and it was really an eye opener for me.
Glory to God in the highest forever and ever. Amen.